Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sharing an old tradition!

Hope everybody had a blessed Christmas. My Christmas was spent sharing old traditions with some of the newer family members. Now that Christmas is over I got to spend some time doing some art.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

STRESSED!!! And making time for myself....

Every year I tell myself,I'm not gonna stress about Christmas and every year I do.. How does everybody find the time to do a million of things. Housework,presents to buy,presents to wrap,what to buy for who, cookies to bake,decorating, company coming so sheets to be washed and clean, get a tree but when?? What night is available? Christmas parties to go to! What to wear to those Christmas parties,when most of my clothes have paint on them. Not to mention the normal everyday stuff like working full time,grocery shopping,dinners to be cooked,clothes to be washed, take Niki to school and pick her up and go to all of her afterschool drama performances. Oh and wait my sister had her baby so I voluteered to cook a couple of dinners for her. And lets not forget to plan Christmas eve and Christmas dinner,Oh my it just doesnt end. No wonder I drink three cups of coffee a day and usually skip lunch and breakfast. After that all said I decided today my only day off besides sunday would be a me day,no phone calls,no work stuff,no Christmas stuff just a me day,do whatever I wanted so what did I do?? Finished a painting finally, alittle housework,alittle shopping, alittle wrapping,alittle decorating,thought and planned Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner,baked some cookies,cooked dinner,washed clothes,took niki to and from school, and drank four cups of coffee! Its amazing what another cup of coffee can do for you.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

When she dances flowers fall from the sky and alittle holiday decorating.

"Baby its cold outside" Actually it really is cold down here in florida for a change. It puts me in the Christmas spirit, I started to decorate my house I'm actually almost finished. I decorate my house like I decorate my store so it usually takes me awhile. I'll share some more pictures later. Diane I know you already seen most of them. Speaking of Diane, go over and check out her blog at dianesalter.blogspot.com shes doing a giveaway that you won't want to miss out on. Plus she just opened an etsy store so if you don't win you can still purchase some of her beautiful art. And last this but not least is a piece I just finished, "when she dances flowers fall from the sky" its a 9x12 watercolor paper. I'm gonna list it in my etsy shop. Everybody 's doing a sale in their etsy shop so I thought I would join in. My coupon code is christmassale15 that will give you 15% off. Have a great week everybody.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I got this link from lk ludwigs blog, I got the goosebumps and cried at the end. I just wanted to share it.