Thursday, January 26, 2012

Playing with Chalk(soft pastels)and a self portrait.

I'm here,sketching my everyday life somedays its just a cup of coffee other days its family members doing their ordinary daily things,somedays the sketch is beautiful and some days its terrible but I keep trying,keep going because life is here today and gone tomorrow. I try to capture my feeling inside my sketches so I remember the ordinary happy days,or scribble out those terrible days but they are there as I am here!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A little sketching....

thats all I got done over the past month,been busy with Christmas and relatives coming to stay with us,you know the usual holiday stuff. I did make sure I had alittle creative time in the evenings,even if it was just to doodle in my sketch book,it keeps me happy. Now that the Christmas decorations are down,house back to normal and cleaned I'm ready to create more. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and wishing you a happy new year!