Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Update on Baby Austin"

Sorry no pictures today,I just wanted to post alittle update on baby Austin. The medicine that they are giving him to raise his platelette levels is not working,so they are going to wait until tomorrow to see if they went up any and if not then they will try another medicine,if that does'nt work they are talking about bone marrow transplant.
My daughter and her husband have lots of faith to get them through this.They also have a two year old at home. Somebody always has to be with Austin,so they are taking turns at the hospital and trying to hold jobs.They have alot of family that is taking turns helping. Austin is very fragile right now,any kind of fall can cause internal bleeding with the platelette levels so low.Which is so hard for a one year old that just wants to get down and play. Thank you so much for your prayers.Please keep praying.


Suz said...

thank you Buffy for letting us know
Poor little guy, I will indeed keep praying and I am so happy to hear that family surrounds you all
God bless

Suz said...

Still praying

mitsib said...

ill pray for him, poor little lad,
take care xxxx

mitsib said...

ill pray for him, poor little lad,
take care xxxx